Select Letters and Orations
Gregory Nazianzen
Pages: 383
Ebook: N/A
Paperback: $19.99
Hardcover: $29.99
Discover the timeless wisdom and eloquence of St. Gregory Nazianzen, one of the greatest theologians and orators of the early Church, in this newly reformatted edition of his select letters and orations. Originally compiled by Philip Schaff in his monumental anthology Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, second series, volume 7, this book presents a fresh and accessible retypesetting by Le Nouvel Esprit, making it easier than ever to engage with St. Gregory's profound insights and masterful rhetoric.
St. Gregory Nazianzen, also known as Gregory the Theologian, was a fourth-century bishop and theologian who played a crucial role in the development of Trinitarian doctrine and Christology. His writings are renowned for their poetic beauty, intellectual depth, and spiritual insight, and have inspired generations of Christians throughout the ages. In this volume, readers will encounter some of St. Gregory's most influential letters and orations, which address a wide range of theological and pastoral concerns, from the nature of God and the incarnation to the challenge of Christian leadership and touching personal accounts of 4th-century figures.
So why wait? Add Select Letters and Orations by St. Gregory Nazianzen to your library today and discover anew the beauty and wisdom of one of the greatest thinkers and writers of the Christian tradition.
This manuscript is not a facsimile print, but a retypesetting by Le Nouvel Esprit to present to the reader a book that is beautiful to look at and read. So you don’t have to worry about whether this volume is a reprint of some shoddy .pdf scan for we understand the importance of how a book looks and feels as it is read.
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