Commentary on Husserl's Logical Investigations
By Jeremy Hausotter
This Commentary on the Logical Investigations is the fruit of my rereading of Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations and discussing it with a friend of mine. My desire in writing this is to codify my notes and place them somewhere accessible. This series makes no pretensions at being academic. In fact, academic resources will be rarely cited, if at all.
The Commentary follows the J.N. Findlay translation, Humanity Books, 2000. All citations come from this edition.
Prolegomena: Chapter 3
In chapter 3 Husserl outlines the historical debate between the psychologistic interpretation of logic and its opponents. Husserl concludes from this discussion that psychology cannot bring us to the essence of logic, and so it cannot serve as the theoretical foundation for logic.
Twilight in the Wilderness by Frederic Edwin Church
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